Fireworks VFX
Fireworks VFX
Fireworks VFX
Fireworks VFX

2D Cool After Effects Fireworks VFX Pack

Original price was: ₹425.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

Introducing the after effects fireworks vfx celebration pack. This pack contains five unique firework that is ready for use. And no external plugin is required to use these firework animations.
You have the option to change the color of these fireworks from the adjustment layer named “color change” at the top of all the firework compositions.

Introducing the after effects fireworks vfx celebration pack.. This pack contains five unique firework that is ready for use. And no external plugin is required to use these firework animations.
You have the option to change the color of these fireworks from the adjustment layer named “color change” at the top of all the firework compositions.

What You Will Get?
– Complete animation open file containing 5 unique fireworks(.aep)

* All the animations were created After Effects 2024 and versions after, so make sure to update your After Effects to the latest version before opening the project file.

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